Science communication is a huge part of my career path. As scientist we have the responsibility to share our knowledge, to create awareness and to engage broader audiences with our own research. PhD programs have a strong orientation towards publishing pre-reviewed papers, but less on how to communicate our findings to the in an engaging way with no jargon.

I make sure not only to produce peer-reviewed manuscripts, but also to create products base on those publications that are approachable. I have outreach projects for STEM topics in all levels (from elementary school to college), in different countries (USA and Mexico) and in different languages (English and Spanish).

Check out some of my contributions!


— Science communication Video —

SICB Science journalism Internship “Crop Milk”


— One day events —

Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture Events!

 Training and educational workshop about amphibians!

UW Science Engage Program Seminar speaker

Science Explorers after school program teacher and lesson planner

 (Circulatory system and Moving plants)

Science Olympiads Competition Herpetology test designer and judge!


— Blog post —

Do all frogs swim alike?


— Previous Leadership roles —

Science Explorers Recruitment officer 2019

Member of UW Science Engage board of directors 2019